Charles Bridge was built in 1357 to replace an earlier Romanesque bridge from the second half of the 12th century and known as Judith’s bridge after a Bohemian queen. Judith Bridge was destroyed in a flood in the year 1342. It is an oldest stone bridge in the Central Europe. Its builder was Petr Parléř. The Baroque statues are made by celebrated sculptor Braun, Brokoff and Kohl. These Baroque statues on the Bridge are representing the biggest world wide out side gallery of sculptures. Although the Gothic bridge was more solid, it was also damaged by floods and several times was repaired. It is decorated with 30 statues and sculptures added gradually from the end of the 17th century (the earliest statue being that of St. John of Nepomuk from the year 1683). Some of the sculptures are from the 19th century and the youngest one is that of Sts. Cyril and Methodius from the time shortly before World War II. The most valuable originals by copies are currently being replaced.