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Úvod - Kladské pomezí - Náchod - NÁCHOD



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Place:Městský úřad
Address:Masarykovo náměstí 40, 547 01 Náchod
Telephone:+420 491 405 111
GPS:50°24'58,773"N, 16°9'49,896"E
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The town together with the castle arose next to an old trail, in the place where so called „Land’s Gate“ was created by the surrounding terrain. This pass is acknowledged in the oldest Czech chronicle in 1068. The first mention of the market town Náchod, founded by the wise Knight of Hron, a member of the Czech King´s Suite, comes as late as 1254. The name itself originates from the combination of the two ancient Czech expressions. „Nacházeti“ and „Náchod“. The former means „to enter“ and the latter means “the place to enter the land“.

Among the most-frequented sights of the town is the castle with its outlook tower and collections of beautiful antique furniture. Beside the Gothic church with its two towers named Adam and Eve sits the town’s square, named after the first Czechoslovak President T.G.Masaryk. Tourists are attracted to this location by the theatre building, Renaissance Old Town Hall with a pillory, Baroque Dean’s building, as well as the neo-Renaissance Town Hall, which contains both the Mayor’s Office and the Town Council Office.

The area surrounding Náchod is incredibly beautiful. You can take to the spa of Běloves with a source of the local carbonated mineral water Ida. Alternatively you might prefer to discover the deep and narrow valley of the Metuje river called „Peklo“, meaning „Hell“ in English, with its romantic mill and restaurant.

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